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At My Best - Building positive feedback cultures

From a young age we are encouraged to ‘do our best’, but in a professional environment the ‘how’ or on 'what' is often unclear.
In recent years, popular press has reported firms such as GE, Deloitte and Accenture ditching outdated performance feedback processes and mechanistic links to pay increases. Powerhouse technology firms like Atlasssian have "revolutionised" the performance dialogue pathway and yet we continue to hear many CEOs lament the difficulty in encouraging high quality feedback conversations to occur.
As a business improvement consultancy, J&G are often involved in helping our clients change their Strategy or Structure, but we know through experience that a concurrent investment in building positive feedback cultures drastically improves the speed and effectiveness of implementing change.
J&G are proud to offer their clients the At My Best solution for attending to both the provision of immediate point in time 360o feedback and the building of feedback cultures in their organisations. The approach has been developed by leading Australian Psychologist Gary Cox, and has its origins based in Positive Psychology.