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J&G Sponsors Anglicare's Arts&Minds Campaign

Anglicare Southern Queensland has created Arts&Minds – a campaign to support people living with mental health challenges. It invited 6 artists to create and share a work of art live – via goa’s state of the art digital billboard network.

During the campaign, J&G team members sponsored Brisbane artist Ash Peel with an Arts&Minds art pack, enabling her with the materials required to produce her piece titled 'Future', which would later be sold to generate $1227 for mental health.

Currently, mental health is the 3rd leading cause of disability in Australia, with 1 in 5 Australians will experience mental health challenges every year. Ash believes that her art is "healing, inspiring and empowering,"

J&G Principal Consultant Mike Hennessy was invited to attended the gala opening exhibition, held on 28 June at West Village, Brisbane. The evening was hosted by Robin Bailey and had esteemed speeches from Yuge Bromley and Philip Bacon. There was also an auction which included artworks from 6 artists that have directly been affected by Mental Health struggles and a special piece from renowned artist, David Bromley.

Anglicare Southern Queensland provides disadvantaged Queenslanders with the support they need for the life they want. To meet growing community demand, they offer a range of mental health and wellbeing support initiatives.

You can donate online to Anglicare Southern Queensland by clicking here:

For more information about Arts&Minds, please visit:

J&G are proud to support such an important cause